
Case Studies
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Time: 2021-08-06   Author: CDP


1.Headquartered in Hanover, Germany, Continental is the fourth largest tire manufacturer in the world.

2.On May 13, 2020, Continental was ranked 646th in the 2020 Forbes Global 2000 list.

3.As a German transport tool manufacturer, Continental acquired Siemens VDO and became one of the top five auto parts suppliers in the world.

Business challenges

1.Disorderliness and undiscipline are seen in terms of industry scale, industry configuration, intellectual property rights, manufacturing process, product quality, etc.

2.Labor costs are increasing, and costs for company management are getting higher

3.Due to varied local policies in China, HR personnel face challenges of professionalism and compliance issues


1.In the first phase of the project, CDP implemented a salary calculation system for 5,000 Continental employees in China

2.In the second phase of the project, in cooperation with Continental’s global service-sharing center, the integration of compliance items and SAP interface of 17 business entities were completed

3.In the third phase of the project, based on the integration of compliance items, CDP services were extended to more business entities of Continental

4.In the fourth phase of the project, CDP helped the Continental integrate its invested companies into the service-sharing center, conducted consistent management, and reduced the routine work for HR personnel

5.A total of 24,000 Continental employees are using the project

Business value

1.With CDP's one-stop salary management, service-sharing center and other solutions, Continental has seen over 25% cost savings

2.Standard and integrated salary calculation processes have been developed

3.CDP provides complete salary system and SAP interface with consistent data, featuring strict quality control and global auditing standards

4.CDP helps Continental build service-sharing center and enables strict data encryption to improve operation efficiency and allow secure data interaction between systems

5.CDP helps Continental become the first winner of IDC Digital Transformation Awards in HR

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